Emerging Trends in Ticketing Technology
The year 2020 brought several unexpected surprises in terms of health, safety, business, and finance. While the pandemic forced everyone to stay at home, event organizers and ticketing platforms were trying to figure out how to open up their doors and make their ends meet without compromising people’s safety. Keeping at par with the emerging needs, several trends have been noticed that can help the industry regain its footing.
While several things can never be the same again, a few trends have transformed ticketing technology. If you are involved in the business, you must keep a close eye on them in the coming years.
1. Social Distancing is the Top Priority
Although a significant percentage of the US population has already been vaccinated, social distancing, mask-wearing, and sanitization are still bound to stay for the next few years. Events held during the pandemic reported a surge in Covid-19 cases, and it becomes indispensable to organize events while maintaining social distancing norms at the venue.

Ticketing software like Ticketor provides all the features required to enforce social distancing at your event. For instance, you can make your seating chart in such a way that there is a safe distance between the booked seats and you do not book more than the allowed limit. You may keep some empty seats between the booked ones to maintain distance between the attendees. The software allows you to set a Capacity Cap on the number of tickets you can sell for an event. Checkerboard seating is an excellent way to maintain social distancing and keep attendees safe.
2. Complete Digitization
Event organizers and ticketing platforms have started rethinking their patron journey to make ticket booking safer, faster, and more seamless for the buyers. The ticketing technology is on the way to becoming 100% digitized so that buyers do not need to leave their homes and visit an offline counter to book their tickets. From e-tickets and barcode scanners to over-the-phone sales and social media integration, you may provide a great experience to your customers with minimal contact possible.
Ticketor gives a responsive design to your website so that your customers can buy tickets from their mobile phones and print their tickets through their printer at home. With multiple revenue streams like credit cards and debit cards, buyers can book their tickets without physically contacting anyone. You may even collect buyers’ feedback and reviews without communicating with them face-to-face. This allows you to improve your relationship with the customers without putting them at any kind of risk.
3. Heightened Buyer Experience
With so many emerging trends in the ticketing industry, most of them revolve around staying in touch with the patrons. Whether during the pandemic or before or after that, giving an amazing experience to the customers is of paramount importance for event planners. With that in mind, some of the best Ticketor features that enhance buyer experience include multiple modes of payment, over-the-phone ticket booking, print-at-home tickets, social media integration, multi-currency support, and responsive website design.
4. Livestreaming
The demand for live streaming over the internet has skyrocketed due to the pandemic. Over the last few months, streaming has increased by several percentage points in the US alone. In fact, live streaming has become an essential source of contacting audiences for events that could not be organized due to social distancing norms. That’s why many ticketing platforms, including Ticketor, have pivoted to live streaming of events both live and on-demand.
Livestreaming has massive potential for the ticketing industry in the future. It allows promoters to reach a global audience and artists to interact with fans online without touring. Content marketing is also crucial, due to which organizers can upload videos, pictures, and flyers for the event to encourage sales for further events. Creating polls and collecting feedback also encourages audiences to share the event on social media, for which they can take advantage of the feature of social media integration.
5. Payment Options
Along with other emerging trends in ticketing technology, evolution in payments is also the need of the hour. Ticketor allows you to offer numerous payment options to your patrons so that they can pay for their tickets the way they like. Such a facility not only encourages them to come back but also makes the entire experience streamlined for them.
Subscription payments for recurring events have been creeping into the industry for the last few years. They reduce the resources required to renew season tickets, appeal to a younger fanbase who can use their preferred payment mode, and provide a cost-effective entry to seasonal events. Making your own refund and exchange policy gives you an alternative to maintaining customer relationships and serving them better.
6. Responsive Design
In 2021 alone, 276.8 million US people browsed the internet through their mobile devices. This figure is expected to reach 287 million by 2023. Currently, around 83% of the US population uses the internet on their mobile phones. Therefore, it makes sense to have a website design that adjusts itself according to the screen size being used. While people may not have time to log on to the internet on a laptop or desktop and book their tickets, they may confirm their booking on the go if they can use your website on their mobile phone. Considering this, Ticketor is one such platform that turns your website into a mobile-friendly platform without the need to install any additional application.

Undoubtedly, 2020 had been a wild year for all. However, the ticketing industry has been resilient and has adopted innovative trends to stay put during the post-pandemic era. All the ticketing technology trends we have mentioned here have made their way and got a firm footing during the last year. So, it would be safe to say that the coming years may have other surprises in store. Remaining responsive and agile is of the essence as the world moves forward and gets back to work.
Are you looking for advanced ticketing software that keeps up with the latest trends? Ticketor is the name you can trust upon. Browse through our platform to see what our program can do for you.